
Book of collection of Quotography with Guha's Quotes and complementary Images taken by Kishor Chopda.
A heartwarming exchange between Guha
and a young woman in Europe.
A collection of Guha’s conversations with friends
in the USA and India between 2018-2021
English translation of
Guha's Bengali poems written
between the years 1999-2002.
Spanish translation of
a collection of Guha's conversations
with Luna Tarlo and others
from 2010-2012.
End of search is the beginning of love
A Collection of Guha's
quotes & poems in Bengali.
Reflections On Reality With Sabyasachi Guha
A collection of Guha’s quotes
from 2011 to 2014.
A collection of Guha's
conversations with Luna Tarlo and others
from 2010-2012.
English Translation of Guha's Bengali Book.
A collection of conversations with friends in
India, Switzerland and United States
from 2011 to 2014.
A collection of conversations with friends in
New York City and Palm Springs, USA in 2011.